G2B is a fully integrated high performance GPS compass's new. It sets the GPS precise positioning and direction finding integrated base station, the mobile RTK technologycomplex, can obtain the location / high precision direction finding. It uses two antenna with multipath inhibition ofcooperative work, integrated HW Vector card in onedirection, tiltmeter and gyro aided sensor built-inintegration.
System introduction
Characteristics of the instrument
◆ spent solution affordable, the generated 2DGPS headingaccuracy better than 0.5 degree;
◆ 60cm differential positioning accuracy, the degree 95%
◆ GPS direction accuracy of 0.3 degrees (2 dimensional position)
◆ COAST patent technology in the loss difference signalpositioning precision for 40 minutes
The design of the smart antenna, the easy installation,maintenance without moving.
Main technical parameters
◆ tracking signal: GPS L1, C/A codes, with carrier phase smoothing
◆ tracking signal: GPS L1, C/A codes, with carrier phase smoothing
◆ channel: 2 × 12 parallel channels, GPS, SBAS satellite signal tracking
◆ update rate: the standard 10Hz, the highest 20Hz, can output orientation, orientation and the original carrier phase measurement data
◆ positioning accuracy (level): <2.5 meters (single, 95%)
◆ positioning accuracy (level): <2.5 meters (single, 95%)
<0.6 m (DGPS difference, 95%)
The direction finding precision: <0.50 (RMS)
◆ pitch / roll precision: <1 (RMS)
◆ pitch / roll precision: <1 (RMS)
◆ angular rate: a maximum of 90 degrees per second
◆ start time: <60 seconds, recapture <1 seconds,directional initialization time <20 seconds
◆ dynamic performance: speed of <1607 km / h, <18288 m high
The data communication: 2 duplex serial port baud rate,RS232 level, 4800-57600bps, adjustable
2 simplex RS422 level, serial port, baud rate 4800-57600bps