Precision applications need G4B series GPS compassheading and positioning performance. G4B reliable precision, its cost than competing products or traditional methods have less, is the ideal choice for professional mechanical control and navigation application. G4Breceiver and display and user interface can be easily installed in the operator side. The two antenna installed independently, its accuracy varies with the spacing.
System introduction
Characteristics of the instrument
The large LCD display system, can display orientation,orientation results
◆ spent solution affordable, the generated 2DGPS headingaccuracy better than 0.1 degree
◆ differential positioning accuracy of less than 60cm (95% confidence level)
◆ integrated gyros and tilt sensor speed startup time, andduring a temporary loss of GPS heading updates
Quickly bow the most up to 20Hz and output rate to
◆ difference options include SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS)beacon and optional difference
◆ channels: 12 channels, the parallel track (track SBAS 10 channel)
◆ update rate: 10 Hz, 20 Hz (optional positioning and heading) the level of accuracy: < 0.6 m with 95% confidence level (DGPS) *
< 2.5 m (95% confidence level automatically, without SA) * * *
◆ heading accuracy: < 0.25o RMS @ 0.5 m antennaspacing
< 0.15o RMS @ 1 m antenna spacing
< 0.10o RMS @ 2 m antenna spacing
< 0.10o RMS @ 2 m antenna spacing
The roll and pitch accuracy: O < 1 RMS @ 0.5 m antennaspacing
◆ turn ratio: 90o / S
◆ start time: typical < 60 s
◆ heading solution: < 20 s
◆ satellite to obtain: < 1 s
◆ satellite to obtain: < 1 s
The antenna input impedance: 50 ohm
◆ beacon sensor specifications
Channel: 2- channel, parallel tracking
Frequency range: 283.5 - 325 kHz
Mode of operation: automatic and manual
Mode of operation: automatic and manual
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